My Journey Workbook

The “My Journey Workbook” is a comprehensive and transformative curriculum, designed to facilitate meaningful discussions within the MIM (Man in the Mirror) men’s small group over the course of three years. This Year One workbook delves into a wide range of thought-provoking topics, encouraging men to explore key aspects of their lives, including identity, significance, integrity, temperament, purpose, finances, and relationships.

The workbook goes beyond mere intellectual understanding, striving to become a practical guide that inspires men to place their trust in God, follow His ways, and embrace a life of faith. By consistently pointing each other towards Christ, the men are empowered to become true disciples and disciple-makers, starting with their own families.

Each chapter is thoughtfully curated with engaging Discussion Questions, prompting men in the MIM groups to engage in honest self-reflection, pursue God wholeheartedly, and lead vibrant lives. To ensure personal growth and accountability, the workbook incorporates a valuable “Review & Reflect” session after every six chapters, acting as a pit stop for the men to assess their progress and give an account of their walk with God.

Regardless of where they stand in their spiritual journey, “My Journey” fosters a sense of brotherhood and community among men, leading them into a season of building profound and impactful relationships. These connections serve to not only transform individual lives but also advance the kingdom of God as the men navigate life’s challenges together.

The content of this workbook draws from the wealth of knowledge found in Patrick Morley’s impressive body of work. As the esteemed Founder of Man in the Mirror ministry and a leading authority on men’s issues, Patrick has authored 23 books and over 750 articles, all focused on empowering men to lead authentic lives and discover God’s purpose for them.

With “My Journey” men are provided with yet another invaluable resource to achieve personal growth and move beyond mere survival. The ultimate goal is to guide them towards spiritual maturity and Christlikeness, fostering a lasting impact on their lives and those around them.

Launching of My Journey Workbook