MIM Men’s Small Group

Welcome to MIM Men’s Small Groups, where we bring together 4 to 7 like-minded Christian men who share a common desire to grow in the Lord. Unlike traditional Bible or book studies, our fortnightly gatherings focus on fostering deep discussions about the challenges and issues men face daily. Through prayerful reflection and support from one another, our aim is to see each other’s lives progressively transformed into the likeness of Christ.
At MIM, we believe that true discipleship is built on profound relationships. Our small groups provide a safe and welcoming environment for men to develop meaningful friendships and brotherly love. Whether we meet in offices or homes, the setting encourages open and honest conversations about our struggles, challenges, and victories. By continually pointing each other to Jesus, we believe that over time, men will grow in their faith and love for one another.
The MIM Small-Group Model is not only about personal growth but also about fulfilling a missional objective – to make disciples who make disciples. Regardless of where men find themselves on their life journey, our groups are designed to lead them into a season of building transformative relationships that contribute to the advancement of God’s Kingdom.
In our journey together, we acknowledge that no man can succeed alone. We strive to see men honestly reflecting on their lives, wholeheartedly pursuing God, and living vibrant, purposeful lives.
So, how do we approach this transformational process? We use the TEAMS approach:
T – Truth: God’s Word serves as the foundation of our discussions and reflections.
E – Equipping: We unpack and impart the truth in a way that is understandable and applicable to our daily lives.
A – Accountability: With honesty and love, we hold each other accountable and address areas where transformation is needed.
M – Mission: We actively take the Gospel of Jesus to the lost and meet the needs of those around us.
S – Supplication: Prayer is at the heart of our small groups, as we intercede for each other, believing that God works all things together for good for those who love Him.
Our workbook, ‘My Journey,’ serves as a valuable tool to guide our discussions. It explores crucial aspects of our lives, such as Identity, Relationships, Temperament, Significance, Finances, and Integrity. Through facilitated discussions, we encourage men to make commitments and take the initial steps towards embracing positive changes and transformation.
Our ultimate goal is to deepen our relationship with God and engage in Life-on-Life interactions with one another. Through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation, we aim to apply God’s truth in our lives, leading to genuine heart transformation.
Join us at MIM Men’s Small Groups and embark on a journey of growth, discipleship, and mission as we seek to become true followers of Christ and make a difference in the world around us.